How to Make Curd Cheese

Curd cheese is really simple to prepare and has many culinary uses. It is a good substitute for cream cheese in cheesecakes and dips. When mixed with cream and a little vinegar, it can be a substitute for sour cream too.

Preparation time 5m Difficulty
Cooking time 0m Budget
Serves 4 Published Saturday, 28 September 2013
Recipe type Techniques Author Manisha Sharma
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What You Need

  • grams curd
  • 1 fine mesh sieve
  • 1 pitcher
  • weight, like bottled food lying in your pantry
  • cling film

How to Make Curd Cheese Directions
  1. Pass the curd through a fine mesh sieve or two if the quantity of the curd is too much. Rest the sieve/s over a pitcher.
  2. Cover the curd in the sieve with a cling film and put some weight over it to squeeze out the curd water.
  3. Keep emptying the pitcher at regular intervals to prevent the water collected from touching the sieve and preventing the cheese from becoming dry. Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  4. The curd cheese can be stored in an airtight container for 3 to 4 days.
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